Monday, October 25, 2010

In the Beginning

About two years ago I left a career in PR and decided to move into something more rewarding. So I'm teaching now. English, to be exact, at a language academy. About a year ago, I realized that despite my fondness for the work and the relationships I build daily, I wasn't doing what I "love." And, as we all know, we have to (cliche alert) "do what we love to truly be happy."

It is cliche. But I'm also finding it to be true. Fitness is my life. Has been ever since I shed 100+ lbs after high school and became addicted to running. At first, I was just addicted to losing weight. Then I became addicted to the routine. Then the pheromones. Now, learning about it all. Sucking it all in. That's where this little experiment comes from. It's in conjunction with the near-completion of a one-year certificate program through a local community college and I hope it keeps me on my toes, up to date and involved with others like me.

I'll try to keep things brief. I'll try to be a resource (PRspeak alert). I'll try not to ramble on about irrelevant topics. I'll try to limit the parenthetical statements despite my adoration of them. In short, I'll try to be useful and interesting while using this as a forum to learn.

Please let me know what you think and please share this with anyone who you think might be interested.

Until next time ...


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Thanks for commenting! I appreciate you taking the time to do it! - Jesse