Sunday, June 12, 2011

Personal Training

Hi everyone. As you know, I've spent the past two years or so getting ready to make fitness a part of my career. As it turns out, some things went really well in some other areas of my work life, and I have taken a full-time job as the Director of Communications for the San Diego Sports Commission. I couldn't be more excited for the new challenge - great people, amazing projects, very fun culture.

However, I have also turned a corner when it comes to what I'm ready to do professionally with personal training. I've been teaching my boot camp for over a year now (amazing, time flies), and have been teaching at the Mission Valley YMCA now for about 3 months. I'm ACE Certified and am reading as much as I can on a daily basis to be on top of the new developments in the fitness industry, etc.

Which brings me to my point - as of today, I am officially offering personal training services to my friends and family (and anyone else who is interested). I am going to be exclusively an outdoor trainer using some equipment I've compiled along with what mother nature has to offer to put together exercise regimens, and I'll help design diet plans and all the other elements of working with a fitness pro. I promise to be the most motivational, engaging and informed trainer with whom you've ever worked. That is my brand, and it's something I take seriously.

I also hope to be one of the most well-priced trainers in town. I'm going to charge $20 per hour, and I'll work out breaks for anyone who wants to do more than 10 sessions in one month. We'll take it on a case-by-case basis for now. The money is not as important to me as someone that is serious about their goals and ready to make a commitment to reach them.

I'm also offering small-group training. The prices are $35 per hour for two people, $50 for three, $60 for 4, and we'll work out groups larger than 5 depending on how many and how often the groups want to meet. I highly encourage you to try small group training, it's fantastic because you are really connected with the people around you, and I can spend a lot of time working with each person in the setting.

For those interested, I do have a connection through World Gym on Balboa where I can train people there. The only catch is that both persons in the gym have to have a day pass, which is $10 per person, so if anyone wants to train there, the cost would be $40 per hour session. I'm not a fan of charging that much money, but it's really the only way to get into a gym and train using heavy weight, without me having a relationship with a big ticket gym. I'm not crazy about doing that, because it goes against just about every principle I've adopted in my approach - individualize everything, get outside and feel good about where you're working out, work in groups when possible and enjoy life while you're exercising.

I understand that investing in personal training isn't easy or something you may be interested in. Please don't feel like this is a sales pitch - it isn't - it's just the very beginning of my outreach to people who I know are supportive and might either be interested or know people that are. The most important thing to me is the relationships that I have with each of you, and I really do appreciate everything you have all done to work with me/support me in the last 18 months or so.

I'm almost done. If you are interested or know anyone that is, please have them either comment on this message, send me an e-mail (, call me, or connect with me on Facebook.

Thanks to all, and I hope to see you soon.


1 comment:

Thanks for commenting! I appreciate you taking the time to do it! - Jesse