Although the whole thing is tough, nothing compares to the workout experienced by my forearms/wrists due to all the gripping obstacles/exercises. The first time I went out there, I felt like Private Pyle due to my inability to cross a 20-rung monkey bar set without flailing and/or falling.
Which is why I decided to write about grip strength today - because it's so often overlooked yet can make such a difference in performance when resistance training due to the stability and extra torque it can provide. After I finished Saturday morning, I went online to find some grip strength exercises and was surprised to find out how many easy ones there are. Here's a page with a list. I've grabbed a few that I really like:
Power holds: Take a bar and just hold it, like at the top of a dead lift. The key is to load it up heavy so that you cannot hold it for more than 20-30 seconds at a time (you can experiment with the duration). To make the exercise more effective, get some super thick foam rubber--like the kind used to insulate pipes--and wrap that around the bar to change the grip.
Farmer's walk (my favorite): Take two heavy dumbbells, grab them and hold them at your sides. Walk as far as you can, or pick a specified distance and walk it in "reps."
Pinch grips: Take two plates, put them together so the smooth side is out, now grab it so your thumb is on one side, and your four fingers are on the other. Lift and hold for one minute at a time - then increase the weight/extend the time.
Know of any other good grip strength exercises? Share them with us! Also, if you'd like a workout partner, let me know - I'm always game!