Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tony Horton Wants Your Muscles to be Confused

I love some of the crazy, yelling commercials that tout MUSCLE CONFUSION!!! But it's only because I think over-the-top advertising is humorous. In all seriousness, Tony Horton and P90x have created a lot of awareness for this relatively new philosophy, which is, if nothing else, interesting.

I knew MUSCLE CONFUSION!!! was gaining steam, but it wasn't until an article hit the front page of Yahoo! Sunday that I knew it had really gone mainstream. Check it out if you're curious how it works, etc.  It's a pretty good/general overview that can inform you quickly.

My take? I'm on board with whatever someone likes/finds motivating/uses to achieve results. And I can definitely get behind something that is generally rooted in the philosophy of changing things up/keeping the muscles "guessing" to prevent plateauing while increasing performance.

I will say that it appears to be a bit "faddy" to me, but that doesn't mean it can't work for you. I know a good buddy who has lost quite a bit of weight and swears by it. I also know that Crossfit applies many similar principles and is incredibly popular/challenging. At the very least, check it out if you are looking for a way to shake things up and continue to push your resistance training to elevated levels.

What do you think? Do you have any experience with P90x? Or other things rooted in "MUSCLE CONFUSION!?!"

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